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Come laugh with us

Every member of our team has struggled first hand with the utter strangeness that is being alive. Each of us works hard to navigate our own complex mental health problems, most of which have been stigmatized by the society we live in.


Our show is meant to approach these hard to discuss personal narratives-- suicide, depression, anxiety, alienation, fear, loneliness-- through a lens of humor, compassion, and perspective. By weaving our stories through a rotation of mediums (poetry, comedy, and storytelling,) Nathan and Aurora keep audiences both alert and laughing, ready to feel, think, and smile at a moment’s notice. We challenge audiences to find humor and warmth in our darkest moments in the hope that they will gain the ability to find that same pathos towards themselves.


Whether it is love, sympathy, outrage, or introspection, our comedy is meant to inspire. Nathan and Aurora combine compassion with incisive wit, guiding audiences through fits of laughter the whole night. You might cry, you might gag, you might even cringe, but you will laugh.


Get a little grossed out and feel some sympathy in the same sound byte. Tough to imagine? Check out some of our samples below!


If you hear ‘poetry’ and think ‘bo-ring,” think again. Our work invites you to sit back in your seat and travel through history, nature, and the off-kilter minds of its creator’s. Incorporating a vast range in topics and tones, the poems themselves are good, but it’s the delivery that makes our show excellent. Want to judge for yourself? Try listening to some select pieces below.

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